Code Of Conduct
- Ethical conduct
All employees shall deal on behalf of the Company with professionalism, honesty, integrity as well as high moral and ethical standards. Such conduct shall be fair and transparent and be perceived to be as such by third parties.
Consumption of alcohol/liquor during any official conference/CME/meeting is strongly prohibited.
- Conflict of interest
Professional engagements outside of HiGlance can result in conflict of Interest. Any employee of the Company shall not engage in any business, relationship or activity, which might detrimentally conflict with the interest of the Company.
We are all expected to do:
- Avoid situations where our personal interests conflict with those of Higlance.
- Not unduly use our position within HiGlance for personal benefit or the benefit of relatives or close associates.
- Immediately inform our Line Manager about any actual or potential conflict of interest so that an appropriate solution can be found.
- Transparency
All employees of the Company shall ensure that their actions in the conduct of business are totally transparent except where the needs of business security dictate otherwise. Such transparency shall be brought about through appropriate policies, systems and processes.
- Legal compliance
All employees of the Company shall at all times ensure compliance with all the relevant laws and regulations affecting operations of the Company. They shall abreast of the affairs of the Company and be kept informed of the Company's compliance with relevant laws, rules and regulations. In the event that the implication of law is not clear, the course of action chosen must be supported by eminent legal counsel whose opinion should be documented.
- Rightful use of company’s assets
All the assets of the Company both tangible and intangible shall be employed for the purpose of conducting the business for which they are duly authorized. None of the assets of the Company should be misused or diverted for personal purpose.
- Cost consciousness
All employees of the Company should strive for optimum utilization of available resources. They shall exercise care to ensure that costs are reasonable and there is no wastage. It shall be their duty to avoid ostentation in Company expenditure.
- Confidential information
All employees shall ensure that any confidential information gained in their official capacity is not utilized for personal profit or for the advantage of any other person. Even after employee have left the company, the information remains confidential. All employee must respect the contractual confidentiality obligation even after termination of the employment contract with your former employer.
They shall not provide any information either formally or informally to the press or to any other publicity media unless specifically authorized to do so.
All employees are not allowed to share information if it is of a confidential nature. Even after you have left the company, the information remains confidential. You must respect the contractual confidentiality obligation even after termination of the employment contract with your former employer. - Relationships with Suppliers and Customers
The employees of the Company during the course of interaction with suppliers and customers, shall neither receive nor offer or make, directly and indirectly, any illegal payments, remuneration, gifts, donations or comparable benefits which are intended or perceived to obtain business or uncompetitive favours for the conduct of its business. However this is not intended to include gifts of customary nature.
- Interaction with Media
The employees other than the designated spokespersons shall not engage with any member of press and media in matters concerning the Company. In such cases, they should direct the request to the designated spokespersons.
- Compitition Law:
Competition laws – also referred to as antitrust laws – are designed to protect competition.
They prohibit business behaviour which has the objective or the effect of preventing, restricting or distorting competition (e.g. price fixing and the allocation of markets or customers).
Employees who have to deal with competition issues in their work are expected to understand the basic principles of competition law and the importance of complying with such laws. - Safety and Environment
The employee shall follow all prescribed safety and environment-related norms. Every employee is personally responsible for safety, health and environmental protection at the workplace to the full extent required by his or her duties to the best of his or her knowledge, ability and experience. We are all encouraged to identify areas for improvements and continuously work towards a better environment.
- Data Privacy
HiGlance process personall data with due care. All employees of the Company shall not exchange personal data within the Higlance or with third parties. Steps accordingly must be taken to ensure that the third party complies with HiGlance data protection standards.
- Discrimination & Harassment
All employees of higlance shall not discriminate anyone on the grounds of gender, race, age, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, citizenship , genetic information or any other relevant category. HiGlance does not tolerate its employees being subjected to physical, sexual, racial, psychological, verbal, or any other form of harassment.